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How to Mount Multiple Volumes to Azure Container Using Azure Resource Manager

{  "$schema": "",  "contentVersion": "",  "variables": {      "container1name": "<CONTAINER-NAME>",         "container1image": "jenkins/jenkins:lts"    },  "resources": [    {      "name": "<CONATINER_INSTANCE_NAME>",      "type": "Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroups",      "apiVersion": "2019-12-01",      "location": "[resourceGroup().location]",      "properties": {        "containers": [          {            "name": "[variables('container1name')]",            "properties": {              "image": "[variables('container1image')]",              "resources": {                "requests": {                  "cpu": 1,                  "memoryInGb": 1.5                }              },              "ports": [                {                  "port": 8080,                  "protocol": "TCP"                },                {                  "port": 50000,                  "protocol": "TCP"                }              ],              "volumeMounts": [                  {                      "name": "<FILE_SHARE_NAME>",                      "mountPath": "/var/jenkins_home"                                          },                    {                      "name": "<ANOTHER_FILE_SHARE_NAME>",                      "mountPath": "/var2/"                                          }                                  ]            }          }        ],        "osType": "Linux",        "ipAddress": {          "type": "Public",          "ports": [            {              "protocol": "tcp",              "port": "8080"            },            {              "protocol": "tcp",              "port": "50000"            }          ],          "dnsNameLabel": "<DNS_NAME>"        },        "volumes": [{          "name": "<FILE_SHARE_NAME>",          "azureFile": {            "shareName": "<FILE_SHARE_NAME>",            "storageAccountKey": "<CONTAINER_ACCESS_KEY>",            "storageAccountName": "<CONTAINER_NAME>"          }},          {            "name": "<ANOTHER_FILE_SHARE_NAME>",            "azureFile": {              "shareName": "<ANOTHER_FILE_SHARE_NAME>",              "storageAccountName": "<CONTAINER_NAME>",              "storageAccountKey": "<CONTAINER_ACCESS_KEY>"            }        }                ]      }    }  ]  

Execute Command#

  • Go to the powershell as an adminstrator

  • Save the ARM Template to the deploy-aci.json and make sure you remember the directory of the JSON file.

  • Execute the following command

az container create --resource-group myResourceGroup --file deploy-aci.yaml